
a sort of conversation

I would like to paste a sort of conversation on youtube about Unfaithful, because I think it points out something I couldn't have planed, the perception of the viewers... I mean, I didn't anticipate - and anticipate that would have been a marketing job, which I obviously refuse to do - the prejudices of the viewers, the fact that they have an idea of what cinema is and should be and expect something related to this idea. Hopefully some viewers come bare as we tried to come bare while making this movie.

2 months ago

I don't think this film will work. It's very difficult to make gay cinema that is philosophical and existential. It just comes across as glorified porn.

1 day ago

I disagree that it does not work. I have watched Unfaithful twice and was fascinated by the interaction, the scripted honesty and have often wanted film makers to explore sex in cinema with more blatant honesty. What better way to unravel interactions than stripping bare any walls that we hide behind. This fits in beautifully with the old Dogma 95 Manifesto which I am still addicted to. Great work Claude...


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