
Patrick McPheron's trailer

So... It was hard to pick a trailer up among all those great proposals we received... Making a trailer was not that easy, plenty of people told us they tried hard but couldn't make it... So, thank you for your proposals and thank you for trying too!

We're glad to announce we chose Patrick McPheron's trailer. He made a really good job. Congratulations!

It'll be edited on the DVD coming soon! You can pre-order it here...


USA Release: October!

"Claude Pérès takes viewers on a haunting and intimate journey with this groundbreaking drama... It’s the kind of film that seeps into the viewers’ subconscious and rattles their comfort levels."




Note to self #14

< style = "color: # 000000 ;">it turns out people who think sex is beautiful find it beautiful in this movie and people who think sex is sad find it... etc...< /h2>
