
good news


  • still well ranked among the lgbt best sellers on amazon

  • still in the top of lgbt best sellers and drama best sellers in france

get the dvd!



Unfaithful censored on youtube ;-)

I guess just a kiss between two dressed men is still very offensive for some people... LMAO

For the record, here is the video of this "inappropriate content":

(BTW Merry winter solstice and Merry christmas!)


note to self #16

< style = "color: # 000000 ;">question the power - the abuse of power - of directors and producers< /h2>



good news

Infidèles (Unfaithful) is ranked in the LGBT top bestsellers in France.

get the dvd!



Unfaithful in France

"an obsessing movie..."



good news

Unfaithful is in the top 100 lgbt movies bestsellers on amazon since 12 weeks.

get the dvd!



Unfaithful in Paris: "this is not an entertainment!"

Here is the introduction of Claude Pérès for the screening of Unfaithful in Paris:


- I introduce Claude Pérès. He's gonna explain his intention...

- Good evening.

I was interested in trying to look into human relationships on a set... a director asking an actor to do something... all those power struggles...

So I thought we had to do something for real to push it to the extreme and make all the tiny details obvious.

We could have killed each other, but I obviously rejected that idea... I thought you would laugh... Thank you.

At that point came the issue of sex. Leaving this question to moralistic people or pornographers... This is something which bugs me. We all should jump into it.

With this idea of searching for tiny details, talking about sex might allow something to happen.

This is not an entertainment. That means I don't try to seduce you or to convince you. I give you enough room and time to question what you are watching, even if you dislike it.

Enjoy the screening.


get the dvd!


hemmungslos im verleih!

ein philosophischer Essay über Lust und Fantasien

[a philosophical essay about desire and fantasy]



a sort of conversation

I would like to paste a sort of conversation on youtube about Unfaithful, because I think it points out something I couldn't have planed, the perception of the viewers... I mean, I didn't anticipate - and anticipate that would have been a marketing job, which I obviously refuse to do - the prejudices of the viewers, the fact that they have an idea of what cinema is and should be and expect something related to this idea. Hopefully some viewers come bare as we tried to come bare while making this movie.

2 months ago

I don't think this film will work. It's very difficult to make gay cinema that is philosophical and existential. It just comes across as glorified porn.

1 day ago

I disagree that it does not work. I have watched Unfaithful twice and was fascinated by the interaction, the scripted honesty and have often wanted film makers to explore sex in cinema with more blatant honesty. What better way to unravel interactions than stripping bare any walls that we hide behind. This fits in beautifully with the old Dogma 95 Manifesto which I am still addicted to. Great work Claude...



A comment...


[comment of a fan of "Back to the Future" about Unfaithful on Amazon]






get the dvd!



Unfaithful @ FFLGBT of Paris: 11/20/2010

"Un film lent, superbe et dérangeant sur le désir et le pouvoir..."

[a slow, beautiful and disturbing movie about desire and power...]


good news

Unfaithful is ranked among the top 100 bestsellers in lgbt movies on amazon since 8 weeks and is #1 in lgbt dramas...

get the dvd!



note to self #15: about the body

< style = "color: # 000000 ;">lu ça : & quote; The war declared by the Middle Ages against the flesh and all cleanliness bore its fruits. More than one saint boasted of having never washed even his hands. And how much did the rest wash ? To have stripped for a moment would have been sinful& quote;

["font -style: italic;"La Sorcière by Jules Michelet]< /h2>

Do you want to be faithful to Unfaithful? (click...)


DVD Release

USA DVD Release: November 2, 2010
Deutschland: DVD im Verleih ab: 23.11.2010
France: sortie DVD le 8/12/2010

The DVD is coming... Pre-order now!



Patrick McPheron's trailer

So... It was hard to pick a trailer up among all those great proposals we received... Making a trailer was not that easy, plenty of people told us they tried hard but couldn't make it... So, thank you for your proposals and thank you for trying too!

We're glad to announce we chose Patrick McPheron's trailer. He made a really good job. Congratulations!

It'll be edited on the DVD coming soon! You can pre-order it here...


USA Release: October!

"Claude Pérès takes viewers on a haunting and intimate journey with this groundbreaking drama... It’s the kind of film that seeps into the viewers’ subconscious and rattles their comfort levels."




Note to self #14

< style = "color: # 000000 ;">it turns out people who think sex is beautiful find it beautiful in this movie and people who think sex is sad find it... etc...< /h2>


5 x ★ [★★★★★]

"Claude Peres's "Unfaithful" is like no movie you have ever seen before."

[Amos Lassen]



coming soon: pre-order the DVD now

get the dvd!


Note to self #12

< style = "color: # 000000 ;">making a movie is an acting out... it's like putting a thermometer on some political, philosophical or whatever concerns you have.< /h2>


Infieles @ Mix Mexico

"Un ejercicio extremo

y extraordinario"

Do you want to be faithful to Unfaithful? (click...)


International Day Against Homophobia?

Unfaithful trailer on youtube : + than 100 000 views / 3 homophobic comments

Who said a International Day Against Homophobia was pointless?

Do you want to be faithful to Unfaithful? (click...)


a review of Infidèles

a review of Infidèles :

“Una fitta trama di molteplici realtà che si imitano a vicenda e che disorientano.”

[A dense web of multiplying and disorientating realities.]

Do you want to be faithful to Unfaithful? (click...)


04/20: Infedeli a Torino

"il film “scandalo” e tutto sesso Infidèles

del francese Claude Pérès"

Do you want to be faithful to Unfaithful? (click...)


Unfaithful in Bordeaux on the 04/16th

"the erotic ballet

of Unfaithful boys"

Do you want to be faithful to Unfaithful? (click...)


Note to self #11

< style = "color: # 000000 ;">& quot; The very thing that was trying to be hidden is now the very thing trying to be exposed... The dream world film days, for the moment, are over... And now the audience is being asked to participate.& quot;

[Shirley Clarke,Cinéastes de notre temps]< /h2>


Note to self #13

< style = "color: # 000000 ;">ignore the story, look at the treatment.< /h2>


3 questions to Claude Pérès


La Lucarne talks about Unfaithful

Bare desire:
The ambition of Claude Pérès was to make a film different in form and concept, which explores themes of power and desire. Without imposing anything, but raising questions. And he did it!

by Hugues Demeusy
