
LivE BlogGiNg: a caSUAl dAy oF tHe edITInG


QOTV talk about Unfaithful

Queers on the Verge chose to launch the beta version of their website with our trailer...
We wish them good luck!

Do you want to be faithful to Unfaithful? (click...)


SavE thE DatE! LiVE blogGiNg on mONDay

LivE BLogGIng ON monDaY : OnE daY BehiND ThE EditINg.

Follow one day of the editing of Unfaithful. (It might be fun!)


note to self #7

< style = "color: # 000000 ;">" font - weight: bold; " never say everything is political in cinema, the topic, the point of view, the making of it itself to begin with.

[I said never]< /h2>

Do you want to be faithful to Unfaithful? (click...)


Poll #4: Posters

The poll is closed. Here are your vote:

Google Request: "how does unfaithful end".

Do you want to be faithful to Unfaithful? (click...)


note to self #6

< style = "color: # 000000 ;">Glad to have shot a boner as a reaction of the body, like sweat, tears, laugh... rather than an intention of the mind.

[no really]< /h2>

Do you want to be faithful to Unfaithful? (click...)
